Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vulnerable Populations and Scapegoats

First, I'd like to say that I agree with Aaron on the point that the population in question deserves help more than it does scrutiny about why they need help. Regardless of the source of the problem, the problem exists and (in my opinion) as a society we have the moral and ethical obligation to fix it, scapegoats and blame aside.

That being said, I think that it's impossible to label "vulnerable" people exclusively as victims or sinners, since a society is made up of a very motley array of people, and while one group may predominate over another at a given time, things are constantly changing (e.g. the current economic situation), including the degree to which people (are able to) take care of their health. Also, no matter how "fair and just" a society is, from a statistical standpoint there will always be some people who will slip through the cracks and fall victim to one loophole or another, just as some people will bring their own health problems upon themselves. What seems important to me is the idea that we should have a society in which the proportion of innocent victims is minimized, and that people have a resources they need to stay healthy. And yes, I did just evade giving an actual answer to the question.

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